
  Extra-Time: The Off-Pitch Legacy Of ‘The ‘Romford Pele’  

As lauded and lucrative as the career of a top flight footballer is these days, it is very much shorter than many other professions. Some players are lucky enough to impact the game that they love after hanging up their boots either as a coach, administrator or pundit. Very few, however, create an unintended legal […]

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  Summertime Blues  

As I sit here trying to write, it is difficult to concentrate due to the sound of sports fans across the country rubbing their hands with glee. Whether we’re football or cricket fans, lovers of golf and tennis or simply afficionados of sport in general, there’s plenty to keep us occupied at the moment. Attending […]

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In a season which lifts the spirits, one of the regular heartwarming sights of summer is when the winners of golf’s Major tournaments are joined by their families to celebrate with their hard-earned trophies. For all the dedication of those who succeed in team sports, there is something about the characterististics which golf’s champions require […]

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  The Other Half: Families And Football’s Transfer Window  

Football, as many a player, manager and pundit has reminded us, is a game of two halves. Whilst that usually applies to the duration of games, it can be interpreted in another sense. When they step outside the white lines of some of the most hallowed stadia in the sport, thousands of players within the […]

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  DIY And Divorce And Disclosure  

There are few elements of our personal and professional lives which have not benefited from the great surge in technological advances over the last few decades. Smartphones which sit neatly in our hands enable us to forge relationships with and remain connected to individuals on the other side of the world, if we’re so inclined. […]

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  For Richer, For Poorer: Can Separate Bank Accounts Really Help A Marriage?  

It seems that there are almost as many suggestions as to what makes a happy marriage as there are marriages. Flick through any lifestyle magazine or newspaper supplement and you’ll find commentators espousing the merits of everything from date nights, regular counselling sessions and even a good row ( Such recommendations are often very subjective: […]

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  Not So ‘Blue Monday’: The Merits Of Mediation  

Even before this week began, there were widespread expectations of it being rather down-beat. The 18th of January had already been designated ‘Blue Monday’: supposedly, the most depressing day of the year due to bad wintry weather and the arrival of the post-Christmas bank statements among other factors. However, amidst talk of January gloom, there […]

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