Legal Notices 

Equality Diversity and Inclusion

Hall Brown Family Law is a modern, inclusive business. We are committed to providing equal opportunities for all and we actively promote diversity.

We appoint, train, develop, reward and promote our staff solely on the basis of merit and ability. We do not discriminate, either directly or indirectly.

The SRA regulates solicitors in England and Wales. The SRA requires us to run our business in a way that encourages equality of opportunity and respect for diversity. We welcome this and we continually strive to encourage diversity throughout our firm.

In accordance with our regulatory requirements, we periodically collect and report on data about the diversity of our business. Data from our most recent survey is summarised below. In order to protect the privacy of our staff, we have chosen not to publish all of the data we collect and the data is expressed as percentages rather than actual values.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Survey, 2023

Our most recent survey was completed by 50% of those eligible to do so. Of those who completed it:

73% are aged 44 years or under

90% are female

100% identify as the same sex registered at birth

6% consider that they have a disability but do not consider it limits their day to day activities

10% are from an ethnic background other than white British

70% describe themselves as having no religion or belief.

100% describe their sexual orientation as heterosexual / straight

70% attended a non-selective UK State school with 56% having parents who did not attend university

20% consider themselves the primary carer of a child under 18 years old

For further information about our approach to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion please contact us.
