We live in a time when change seems to be the only constant. In less than two years, the coronavirus pandemic has overturned many of the accepted wisdoms about how we live, work and interact with others. However, just a few months before the world was placed into lockdown, another significant development occurred which continued […]
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Britain has long been known for its entrepreneurial spirit. According to a briefing paper issued by the House of Commons’ Library in January, there were some six million businesses in the UK during 2020 – an increase of 112,700 on the year before (https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn06152/). Anecdotal evidence suggests that, instead of blunting that commercial edge, lockdown […]
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Being a family lawyer enables you to observe or track patterns of behaviour within the country’s homes, often long before they become more prominent. It gives an indication of what’s happening in households across England and Wales: what the priorities for parents and their children really are. After all, it’s possible to glance at the […]
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Even in the most amicable of relationships, the breakdown of a marriage can be a time of significant tension. Once the decision has been made – by one spouse or both – that divorce is the only option, there is often a commitment to dealing with the process as simply and as swiftly as possible. […]
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The pace at which family life in this country is changing shows no sign of slowing down. I’m not just talking about the number of marriages in England and Wales falling by 40 per cent drop over the last five decades, despite the population rising by one-fifth over the same period. Nor am simply I […]
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It’s a fact that divorce is a more frequent feature of modern life than in previous generations. Even if we take into account a gradual decline over the last quarter of a century in the number of couples who end their marriages this way, the 91,299 divorces in England and Wales during 2018 still represented […]
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If there is one thing certain about family life, it is that nothing is ever really certain. The make-up of households across Britain and the rest of the world has undergone tremendous and very rapid change over the course of the last few decades. In England and Wales, for instance, it’s no secret that the […]
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I’m delighted to be writing this, my first ‘blog for Hall Brown having joined the firm to head up its new office in Sheffield. As the Yorkshire Post has reported (https://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/business/hall-brown-family-law-establishes-base-sheffield-increase-market-share-2550360), the decision to open Hall Brown’s third office is something of a natural progression, given that an increasing amount of our case work originates […]
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