
  Hall Brown Completes Awards Hat-Trick As Regional Employer Of The Year  

Hall Brown Family Law has continued its remarkable run of success by claiming a prestigious regional business award. The firm triumphed in the Employer of the Year category at the North West Business of the Year Awards. It is Hall Brown’s third major trophy of the year and comes just days after the firm retained […]

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  Need Trumps All  

Major life events are quite often the trigger for people to consider their circumstances. Alongside the birth of a child, the death of a loved one or serious illness, marriage perhaps provides the most significant single reason to take stock. The practicalities – and no little complication – of living together as spouses have prompted […]

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  Tying The Knot And Closing A Loophole: Preventing Predatory Marriage  

Households across Britain are very handy barometers of social and economic change. One example of that is how couples live together. In the last half-century, the number of marriages in England and Wales has fallen considerably. In fact, figures released by the Office for National Statisticsa (ONS) in May, show that the number of marriages […]

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  Matrimonial Assets And Murder: How Conduct Impacts Divorce Settlements  

Marriages are complex, dynamic things and whether they ultimately work or not comes down to the individuals involved. If they fail, there is seldom a mutual understanding that the relationship has run its course – at least, not initially. In my experience, it is more likely that one spouse feels unhappy with the conduct of […]

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  A Little Bit Longer: A Jonas Brother, Stark Realities And Children  

As stark as it may seem, divorce is very much a fact of modern life. The most recent data published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) show that 113,505 opposite-sex and same-sex married couples parted in 2021 ( Although that figure is almost one-third lower than the all-time high recorded in 1993 (165,018), it […]

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  Reality TV And Real Life: Mums, Dads And Prohibited Steps  

REALITY TV AND REAL LIFE: MUMS, DADS AND PROHIBITED STEPS None other than Oscar Wilde once remarked that life imitates art more than the other way around. If true, I wonder how a new and popular reality television show might be reflected in viewers’ households. The programme is entitled ‘My Mum, Your Dad’ and features […]

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  Bugged: Recording Devices, Disclosure And Divorce  

The breakdown of any relationship can be an intensely emotional experience for those involved. If it means the sudden collapse of a marriage or cohabitation which may have lasted a significant period of time, the experience perhaps understandably prompts a desire to know why things have gone wrong. However, it is imperative that individuals do […]

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  Domestic Abuse And The Family Court: Progress Made But More Required  

That family courts across England and Wales handle a very large case load is by now accepted without dispute. Many individuals in government and the judiciary have already remarked on the impact which the volume of work has on the speed with which often very sensitive matters can be resolved. At the end of June, […]

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  Heartbreak And Hope: How ‘Silver Splicers’ Are Bouncing Back From Divorce  

Over the course of almost three decades, I’ve been trusted by more than a thousand individuals to help them navigate the divorce process. In some cases, their marriages had come to an end after relationships lasting many years. Even when a break-up is relatively amicable, it can still be an unpleasant experience. The realisation that […]

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  Mother Country: UK Birth Rates And Bother  

According to an old African proverb, “it takes a village to raise a child”. A glance at new figures published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) shows that large parts not just of one village but the entire world are making their own telling contribution to the British population. Just under one-third of all […]

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