At the heart of many – if not most – of the matters which come before family courts is love. They can feature challenging discussions and emotional disputes relating to the end of relationships and arrangements for children. Those unfamiliar with the workings of family justice might, therefore, be surprised to learn that the results […]
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Given the degree to which we rely on news media to keep us informed of events around the world, it’s perhaps only natural to find that it can shape our perception of how things happen outside our own homes. It’s especially true of the divorce disputes which register on the pages of the national newspapers. […]
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Over the course of any given year, the family courts across England and Wales are called on to deal with an immense volume and breadth of work. For instance, some 63,084 new cases began between July and September this year alone ( They included matters relating to divorce, childcare, mental health, domestic abuse and probate. […]
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It is widely known that one of the titles held by the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, is First Lord of the Treasury. Some people may be less familiar with the fact that he is also the first PM to divorce, marry and become a father while in 10 Downing Street. Earlier this month, Mr Johnson […]
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The break-up of any relationship – be it a marriage or cohabitation – can be incredibly tough for those involved. When it involves children, the emotional and practical complexities can be magnified. Chief amongst them is the need to make adequate arrangements for children’s care and well-being. In some instances, the parents concerned may believe […]
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