In recent years, certain dominant themes have been evident in households across England and Wales. One has been the degree to which marriage might or might not be favoured by couples. The most recent data published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) showed that there were 246,897 marriages in 2022 ( Although that constituted […]
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The public sector is an essential part of the fabric of the UK, providing many of the services which we regard both as familiar and essential. They include education, the emergency services, healthcare and law enforcement among others. Many of us have friends or family members working in the public sector, an indication that it […]
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Over the course of almost three decades, I’ve been trusted by more than a thousand individuals to help them navigate the divorce process. In some cases, their marriages had come to an end after relationships lasting many years. Even when a break-up is relatively amicable, it can still be an unpleasant experience. The realisation that […]
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Hall Brown Family Law’s continued strong showing in Yorkshire has led to its being shortlisted for a clutch of the region’s most prestigious legal awards. The boutique firm has been named as a finalist in four categories by organisers of the Yorkshire Legal Awards. Hall Brown has described the news as “wonderful recognition” for the […]
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For many people, today will be the first full day of work back in their offices since the start of 2023. In recent years, though, it has become known as ‘Divorce Day’: the time when husbands and wives who have reached the limit of their patience with their spouses contact family lawyers like myself and […]
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It might seem that the last few winters have brought successively deeper chills. In this country, the toll exacted by the Covid pandemic on homes and businesses, for instance, has been compounded by the news that the UK has entered the deepest economic downturn since 2008 ( If the headline announcement by the Office for […]
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Regular readers of this ‘blog will recall how, a fortnight ago, one of my colleagues wrote about the introduction of ‘no-fault’ divorce. Claire Reid described how, despite much anticipation of the biggest divorce reform in half a century, the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020 was only designed to make the process of obtaining divorce […]
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A quick flick through the pages of the national newspapers demonstrates that it can sometimes be all too tempting for commentators to resort to generalities. However, if there’s one thing which being a family lawyer has taught me, it’s that few things are ever as simple or straightforward as they first appear. Over decades, we […]
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I reckon that very few people ever start something by thinking that they won’t finish. Who, for instance, accepts a job knowing that they won’t enjoy it? How many people would book a holiday that they believe will be a wash-out? It’s the same with a relationship. When people marry or enter into a civil […]
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I reckon that very few people ever start something by thinking that they won’t finish. Who, for instance, accepts a job knowing that they won’t enjoy it? How many people would book a holiday that they believe will be a wash-out? It’s the same with a relationship. When people marry or enter into a civil […]
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