Teamwork Breeds Yet More Award Success for Hall Brown
Published on 02 March, 2018 | Sam Hall

One of the country’s leading new law firms has attributed its latest award win to “hard work and teamwork”.
Hall Brown Family Law overcame other, more established nominees to claim the Family Team title in this year’s Manchester Legal Awards (MLAs).
It becomes the latest prestigious title picked up by Hall Brown in its first two years of business.
However, Senior Partner and co-founder Sam Hall said that the MLA had special significance because it reflected the impact made by the firm in its home city and recognised the contribution made by every member of staff.
“As the individuals who founded the firm, both James Brown and I consider ourselves very fortunate to have been able to gather around us such a talented, committed and capable group of people since Hall Brown opened its doors.
“That we have grown so quickly and attracted so much attention is down to everyone in the team.
“We decided to place particular emphasis not only on building a business but nurturing an environment in which the most junior team member is just as valued as more experienced personnel. I genuinely believe that is a critical factor in everything which we have achieved so far.
“Being chosen as the best team in our specialist field in our home city is a real thrill for us all. It’s as though success has come right to our doorstep.”
Mr Hall’s comments were echoed by the MLA judges who outlined that their decision had been based on Hall Brown’s “outstanding growth…through a strategy which encompasses a ‘whole team’ culture”.
The MLA award is the 11th prize won by Hall Brown or its lawyers since it began trading in April 2016 and comes at an important stage in its development.
In August last year, Hall Brown opened a specialist international division because of a rise in the number of complex cross-border cases which it deals with, many of which involve children.
Mr Hall added that Hall Brown will this month by joined its 23rd member of staff, having recruited Judith Haber from one of its larger rivals. In doing so, she will become Hall Brown’s 15th fee earner.
He also revealed that, after a successful submission to the Law Society, Hall Brown had been granted the right to offer training contracts and would begin doing so in September.
Mr Hall said: “We believe that there are certain essential elements of our personality – being accessible and straightforward, responding promptly and properly to the needs of our clients.
“Being able to recruit graduates, we want to instill those values in individuals both to help their careers but further the way that we help clients.”