Making a Mark
Published on 13 October, 2017 | James Brown/Sam Hall

When Hall Brown Family Law was first established, we intended to provide clients with the very best service possible, no matter what specific situation they might require our help with.
Over the course of the intervening 18 months, we have assembled an extremely experienced and capable team of lawyers to enable us to live up to those standards.
In determining how we wanted to achieve that goal, we didn’t only look to our own expectations but considered how some of our contemporaries operate.
It is with no little delight, therefore, to have already made such sufficient strides as to find ourselves matched with the UK’s very best family law firms.
Back in June, you may recall, Hall Brown was the only bespoke firm from outside London to be included in annual list of Britain’s 45 leading family lawyers published by eprivateclient.
That recognition has now been followed by our securing a place in Legal 500, another prestigious, independent survey of the world’s legal profession (
Despite being in its relative infancy, Hall Brown has been ranked “among the best for matrimonial finance outside of London” and described by the listing’s organisers as “the firm to watch for the future”.
They go on to say that we have “first-class lawyers who are approachable and truly excellent for high-value matrimonial finance”.
Furthermore, Hall Brown is the only firm of all those in the North West region able to boast three lawyers – James Brown, Andrew Newbury and Beth Wilkins – in the category of “Leading Individuals” with Sam Hall also singled out because he “makes clients feel very comfortable and is clearly very knowledgeable with heaps of experience”.
We are naturally delighted to be held in such high esteem and feel that it is a consequence of our resolve to offer an optimal level of support for families finding themselves in very delicate situations.
Even before the Legal 500 classifications were announced, we knew that we would certainly not be standing still.
Only last month, we disclosed how we had created a new International division to handle a growing volume of complex cross-border cases involving both divorce and children’s issues.
That, in turn, followed the news that we are well advanced with plans to open an office in London to complement our Manchester headquarters.
Both of those developments are typical of our commitment to effect whatever additional changes might be required in order to what our clients demand. Wherever they may be.