Hall Brown Family Law Support Cycle To Work Day And Raise £1k
Published on 06 August, 2021 | James Brown

For the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital
Hall Brown were pleased to support the UK’s biggest cycle commuting event this week – Cycle to Work Day – to raise funds for the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital (RMCH).
Cycle to Work Day was created to encourage people to do just that: cycle to work. It is an event that encourages people of all cycling abilities to give their bike a go. From those just starting out, ride every week, or live in a saddle daily, Cycle to Work Day is for absolutely everyone. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t cycled in years or have never cycled at all. It’s just all about giving it a go and Hall Brown certainly did that.
James Brown, Co-Founder and Managing Partner at Hall Brown said: “As ever we did things a little differently here at Hall Brown and asked the team to give a ‘no car’ commute a go to support this national day.
“People could choose to cycle, walk, run, jump on a scooter or pogo it into work if they fancied. So long as they opted to travel to the office other than by car, we would recognise their efforts and donate money to the RMCH charity.
“We’re delighted to have been able to raise over £1k now for this fabulous local charity, knowing what a difference their great work has on every child every day and the support this gives their families.
This Charity exists to enhance the experience of the 280,000 children cared for by Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital each and every year.
Fundraising efforts are utilised in three key areas in particular, namely treatment, research and care. These can include the purchase of specialist equipment to diagnose and provide treatment of young patients more quickly and easily, creating as child-friendly an environment as possible and funding pioneering medical research to increase the understanding of children’s illnesses and the optimum way to treat them.
James added: “Taking part in the event was also the perfect opportunity to get some miles in the legs ahead of the Tour de Manc, which we’re proud to support this year. The event takes place next month and promises to be an epic day!”
The Tour de Manc will see riders take on a 50k, 100k, 100miles or even 200k cycle route all in aid of charity, as they ride in and around the great city of Manchester.