Expansion And Excellence: Hall Brown Birmingham Opens Its Doors
Published on 13 December, 2023 | Andrew Breakwell

Being a family lawyer provides, I would argue, something of a privileged position.
It enables you to observe at relatively close quarters the nature and pace of change in Britain’s households.
In the course of the four decades since I entered the profession there has been considerable change.
One of the major differences has been what I would describe as something of a relationship see-saw.
Between 1981 and 2020, the number of couples marrying declined by 76 per cent (https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/marriagecohabitationandcivilpartnerships/bulletins/marriagesinenglandandwalesprovisional/2020).
Even if we allow for the extraordinary impact of the pandemic during the second of those dates, England and Wales has still seen a drop of more than one-third.
Contrast that with a doubling in the number of households made up of unmarried couples in the course of a single generation (https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/householdcharacteristics/homeinternetandsocialmediausage/articles/livingarrangementsofpeopleinenglandandwales/census2021#:~:text=1.-,Main%20points,groups%20aged%20under%2085%20years).
Another huge milestone has been the reform in 2020 of divorce law, meaning that separating spouses no longer have to blame partners for the breakdown of their marriages (https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2020/11/contents/enacted).
Whether tying the knot or not, pursuing behaviour-based divorces or not, the fundamental issues in family law are much the same as they were when I qualified as a solicitor.
When it comes to forming relationships or splitting them apart, dividing joint assets or determining living and parenting arrangements which are in the best interests of a child, individuals need straightforward, expert advice.
That is why I have decided to join Hall Brown Family Law and why I’m especially delighted to lead its new Birmingham office.
Hall Brown is a relatively young firm but one which is founded on the sort of principles established by the very best family law firms over many years.
Having worked at and headed family law teams in major firms, I would like to think that I appreciate what clients are looking for.
An understanding of the law is taken as read. What really matters is how that knowledge is applied in order to achieve as swift and as helpful a resolution to someone’s predicament as possible.
Hall Brown not only has genuine experts in all of the key areas of family law but ensures that they are deployed in the most appropriate manner for clients.
They are backed by individuals at all levels of the firm who are given a real chance to exploit their talent and become leaders in their own right.
I can say without fear of contradiction that the Hall Brown operation is transformative in terms of family law practice.
It is a blend of skills, services and opportunities which is very rare and very right for clients and colleagues alike.
That is why I so readily accepted the approach to join them and take this way of working into a region of the country which I’m so familiar with.
I’m West Midlands born and bred, and have spent my entire career here too.
Having Hall Brown open an office in Birmingham is not just a sign of its continued growth but a commitment to helping people in very vibrant area.
Families of all backgrounds experience challenges. What matters is the ability of those professionals whose help is sought to deliver clear advice and positive outcomes. In that respect, I am confident that Hall Brown’s contribution will be as welcome in the Midlands as it has been elsewhere