Time flies. Just over a decade ago, the Oscar-winning actress Gwyneth Paltrow and the equally celebrated lead singer of Coldplay, Chris Martin, announced the decision to end their 11-year marriage. It was far from the first celebrity break-up but, however, it became nearly as famous as their exploits on stage and screen thanks to the […]
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Times change and so too do the views of society. Perhaps the clearest indicator of the degree to which that is true is what happens in the home. A century ago, there were just 2,667 divorces in England and Wales (https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/divorce/bulletins/divorcesinenglandandwales/2021). That is only slightly more than the number of marriage break-ups recorded on average […]
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As regular readers of this ‘blog will no doubt appreciate, home life in the UK has changed considerably in recent decades. In addition to great shifts – some legal and some societal – in how domestic relationships are forged, maintained and even break down, there have been significant developments in how families are started. Overall, […]
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