

Around this time of year, love is, to quote the title of one hit song, “all around”. In fact, whether you’re in a relationship or not, the volume of Valentine’s and spring-themed marketing is so all-pervasive that it can be hard not to ruminate on romance. I don’t wish to be the person who blunts […]

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  A Cautionary Winter’s Tale: Separated Parents and ‘Snowflakes’  

All it takes is placing one foot outside the front door in the morning to show that we are still in the grip of winter. Low light, lower temperatures and even the odd flurry of snow are very much the order of the day at this time of year. Usually, of course, it’s the impact […]

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  The Other Half: Families And Football’s Transfer Window  

Football, as many a player, manager and pundit has reminded us, is a game of two halves. Whilst that usually applies to the duration of games, it can be interpreted in another sense. When they step outside the white lines of some of the most hallowed stadia in the sport, thousands of players within the […]

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  Children, ‘Challenge’ And The Family Courts  

One of the fundamental principles of the legal system in England and Wales is that there should be in fair access to justice. Just over a year ago, the body which represents barristers, the Bar Council, suggested that right was being denied to many. In a November 2022 report which identified a number of causes […]

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  Oligarchs, Divorce Tourism And Dystophia  

OLIGARCHS, DIVORCE TOURISM AND DYSTOPIA For some years now, London has been regarded as the divorce capital of the world. That is a label which has been earned due to a succession of high value cases which have notably been regarded as more generous to financially weaker spouses than might have been the case in […]

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  The Company Of Others: Marriage, Cohabitees And Consequence  

Regular readers of this ‘blog will understand the degree of insight into the nation’s private lives which being a family lawyer provides. Even more than appreciating how things currently are, it’s possible to glean the evolving dynamics of relationships and predict the likely consequences of those patterns should they continue. In recent days, the Office […]

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  Mediation And The Family Court: New Rules To Spur Non-Court Resolution  

Maintaining a family is not necessarily easy. That’s particularly true when the relationship between parents becomes frayed or fractures altogether. Divorce is, sadly, a reality for many men and women. According to the most recent figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS), 41 per cent of married couples break up before they are able […]

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  Saying “No” To The Bank Of Mum And Dad: Prenups And Parental Pressure  

It is perhaps only natural for parents to want the best for their children. Even when those children become adults, it is not a surprise to find that they turn to their mothers or fathers for advice and assistance. More than acting as unpaid childminders or looking after pets while sons and daughters are on […]

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  Mahtani v Mahtani – London, Legal Change and Global Divorce  

London is one of the major global cities and, as such, has magnetic appeal not only for foreign visitors but for those wishing to work and live in England. More than its tourist attractions and vibrant business community, London has added another dimension to its reputation over time as the world’s divorce capital. As various […]

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  Expansion And Excellence: Hall Brown Birmingham Opens Its Doors  

Being a family lawyer provides, I would argue, something of a privileged position. It enables you to observe at relatively close quarters the nature and pace of change in Britain’s households. In the course of the four decades since I entered the profession there has been considerable change. One of the major differences has been […]

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