It is an unfortunate fact of family life that a large number of individuals who set up home together with the intention of staying together for some time end up going their separate ways. The impact of such break-ups is often magnified and complicated by those involved having children. Data published by the Department for […]
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Today is February the 29th. As a quirk of the calendar, it has become the subject of a number of traditions, one being that it provides a day on which women can propose to men, rather than the other way around. It is said to have originate in fifth-century Ireland, when St Brigid struck a […]
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“Money”, it has been said, “can’t buy you happiness”. The validity of that statement, I believe, depends on individual circumstances rather than being a universal truth. I also don’t think that it’s uppermost in the mind of the millions of people who buy lottery tickets and scratchcards each week. One couple – or, should I […]
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Strength in depth and an increase in casework has helped Hall Brown Family Law’s Sheffield team win a prestigious regional legal award. The office held off challenges from rival practices across a number of different specialisms to be named as Niche Firm of the Year in the Sheffield and District Law Society annual awards. The […]
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No matter how eagerly anticipated a change in the law may be, it can take some time after it comes into force to discern whether it has had the desired effect – or any effect at all. That is why the latest divorce figures released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) could be said […]
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Our concepts of what constitutes a positive family environment evolve over time both as a result of what we experience as individuals and the input of others. Sometimes, trying to reconcile differing viewpoints, particularly in relation to some of the more delicate and difficult aspects of family law can be a great challenge. One such […]
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Around this time of year, love is, to quote the title of one hit song, “all around”. In fact, whether you’re in a relationship or not, the volume of Valentine’s and spring-themed marketing is so all-pervasive that it can be hard not to ruminate on romance. I don’t wish to be the person who blunts […]
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All it takes is placing one foot outside the front door in the morning to show that we are still in the grip of winter. Low light, lower temperatures and even the odd flurry of snow are very much the order of the day at this time of year. Usually, of course, it’s the impact […]
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Football, as many a player, manager and pundit has reminded us, is a game of two halves. Whilst that usually applies to the duration of games, it can be interpreted in another sense. When they step outside the white lines of some of the most hallowed stadia in the sport, thousands of players within the […]
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One of the fundamental principles of the legal system in England and Wales is that there should be in fair access to justice. Just over a year ago, the body which represents barristers, the Bar Council, suggested that right was being denied to many. In a November 2022 report which identified a number of causes […]
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