Andrew Breakwell
- Email:
- Direct: 0121 798 1292, Mobile: 07917 227 144
Andrew is “a National figure” in Family Law, a “premier league lawyer” with a “great legal brain”, a “serious heavy weight who is extremely clever, tenacious and loved by clients” with “a thriving matrimonial finance practice, with considerable expertise in high value disputes and prenuptial agreements. Clients call him one of the best critical-thinking lawyers in the business… he has encyclopaedic knowledge across all matrimonial disputes and has a vast specialist experience in high-value cases.” Andrew is a “formidable lawyer- he is like an encyclopaedia and is technically amazing.” Sources- UK Legal 500 and Chambers.
Andrew Breakwell is a “wonderful friend of mine” and “one of the finest divorce solicitors in the country” Source: Peter Shilton in “Saved” (2021)
Andrew was in the first cohort to qualify in 2012 under the aegis of IFLA as an Arbitrator (Finance). He is a longstanding Resolution Accredited Specialist (substantial assets and in emergency procedures) (since 1998). He has marked Resolution Accreditation Core exams since 1999. He is a trained Collaborative lawyer and past National Head of Family Law at a top 50 UK law firm, past National Chair of Forum of Family Arbitrators (Marketing) and past Resolution regional and then National Sub-Committee Member (for Standards and for Specialist Accreditation).
Some of Andrew’s Reported cases include
AH v Greyco (Trustee Blue Settlement) etal High Court Isle of Man, 2020 Judgment of Deemster Corlett regarding disclosure orders of trust instruments
Chai v Peng [2017] EWHC 792 Wife’s initial claim for £520m (£63m awarded)
SJ v RA [2014] EWHC 4054 rejection as discriminatory and anachronistic of division by equality of income from pension in retirement in a big money case
SK v WL [2010] EWHC 3768 departure from equality (post separation contributions) in a big money case
D v L [2003] EWCA 1169 establishing the equitable right to protection by injunction to restrain publishing of covert recording
Lissimore v Downing [2003] 2 FLR 308 striking out constructive trust claim by former cohabitee of rock star (nil award plus costs)